
Capstone Project in Media, Culture and Creative Cities

Offer semester
Full-year course

Course description

This course aims to facilitate students in integrating and applying the knowledge and skills they acquired through the MCCC programme. Students will conduct a research project in a group of three students under the guidance of an academic supervisor assigned by the department. Each group will develop a research topic related to the field of media, culture and creative cities. Each group is required to attend seminars in the “Media, Culture & Creative Cities Speaker Series” and prepare a reflective memo, research proposal, presentation of its project as well as a research report. If you have any questions and/or problems regarding your group member(s) or supervisor, please report to your supervisor, capstone coordinator, and program director immediately.

Project archive

A curated collection of past students’ final capstone reports is available on the HKU Scholars’ Hub.

A comprehensive list of titles of past student projects is also available.

Course learning outcomes

Upon completion of the capstone project, students should be able to:

  1. Conduct and carry out academic research in collaboration with other students;
  2. Integrate and apply the knowledge acquired from the programme and the “Media, Culture & Creative Cities Speaker Series” to collect and analyze data;
  3. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of theories related to media, culture and creative cities through presentation of their research findings;
  4. Develop analytical skills and critical thinking through producing a research report.



Course co-ordinator and teachers

Student view

The best part of this course is that students were granted freedom to explore any topic that we are interested in using mainly qualitative research methods. The data collection process provides a journey to truly experience the cultural aspects and discourses of a particular topic within the context of Hong Kong and Asia.

– Elizabeth Wang, year 2 MSocSc Media, Culture & Creative Cities student