Welcome to our new website

We are delighted to be able to welcome you to our new website – sociology.hku.hk.

We hope that our new site will become another way for us to share our social insights with a wider audience. In addition to keeping you up to date with our news, we are keen to use the site as platform for staff and students to describe their own experiences of studying sociology, along with announcing the latest findings from our own research activities.

We would also like to thank Grayscale web design who have been excellent partners in this project, and have worked tirelessly to create a site that can best showcase the many different aspects of HKU Sociology. We are also grateful to all the staff and students in the department who have contributed content and ideas toward the creation of our new site.

One last thing – don’t forget to subscribe to our email newsletter, Facebook and Twitter channels to ensure you don’t miss out on our latest news!