HKU Sociology achieves research funding success

Our academic staff have achieved considerable success in recent competitive research funding exercises, attracting grants exceeding HK$13 million.

This funding allows our staff to conduct world-leading social research, which is reflected in HKU Sociology’s high ranking in the Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise. We would like to congratulate our staff on their achievements and look forward to supporting them as they implement their research projects.

General Research Fund

Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council.

  • Dr Cheris Chan – Lasting Struggle: Ideology, Frame Transformation, and Collective Action of the Falun Gong Movement
  • Dr Travis Kong – A Trans-local Study of the Processes and Challenges of Identity Formation among Chinese Young Gay Men in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan
  • Dr Denise Tang — Now We Hear Them: A qualitative study of older lesbians in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan
  • Dr Tian Xiaoli — Why disclose personal information online? Privacy and Face-Work on Chinese Social Media

Early Career Scheme

Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council.

  • Dr Julie Ham — Non-Chinese sex workers in Hong Kong and emerging sex work spaces
  • Dr Tom McDonald — Digital money and migration in China: Contemporary monetary practices and imagined economic futures
  • Dr Tommy Tse — Co-creating Fashion in the Post-Industrial Era: Comparative Analysis of the Creative Industries in China and South Korea
  • Dr Wang Liping — Legal Discrimination and Civilianizing Frontier: A Comparative Study of Criminalization in Gansu (1750s-1850s) and Inner Mongolia (1850-1920)
  • Dr Wang Peng — Explaining the persistence of campaign-style policing against organised crime in mainland China

Public Policy Research

Funded by the Hong Kong SAR Government Central Policy Unit.

  • Prof Karen Laidler — Opening Doors, Creating Pathways: A qualitative study of social harms and service access of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds in HK
  • Dr Tommy Tse — Creative Industries in Flux: A Critical Investigation into the Challenges, Agency and Potential of Cultural and Creative Workers in Hong Kong

Internal Research Grants

  • Dr Julie Ham — Globalized labour knowledges between the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East
  • Dr Paul Joosse — Contentious Politics in Hong Kong
  • Dr Sylvia Martin — Film Industries, Cities, and Soft Power
  • Dr Tommy Tse — A Comparative Analysis of Creative Industries in Greater China and South Korea – Fashion as Case Study
  • Dr Tommy Tse — Good Work, Bad Life? Demystifying the Glamour of Creative Labor in Advertising Industry
  • Dr Wang Liping — The Ethnographic State and Multivocal Nationalism: Production of Knowledge on Ethnicity in Republican China, 1912-1949

Knowledge Exchange Grants

  • Dr Julie Ham — Sustainable Sunday Couture: Domestic Workers and Upcycling Designers
  • Dr Julie Ham — Visualizing the voices of women migrant workers, with Vivian Wenli Lin
  • Dr Tom McDonald — Production of Quality Teaching Materials on Globalization and Social Media for Secondary Education Teachers and Students in Hong Kong and UK
  • Dr Denise Tang & Dr Gary Wong— Everyday Space and Memory at Wah Fu Estate: Recording and Envisioning the Daily Life of Public Estate Residents in Hong Kong
  • Dr Tommy Tse & Dr Carmen Tong  — Size does matter: Reflecting our attitudes and knowledge about non-human animals in urban Hong Kong
  • Dr Tommy Tse & Dr Carmen Tong — Green a Difference: Reduction of Animal Consumption in Hong Kong

Other funding sources

  • Dr Julie Ham — The Lives of Migrant Remittances: An Asian Comparative Study (University of Ottawa/Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
  • Dr Paul Joosse — Developing an Analytical Framework of Operational and Inspirational Terrorist Leadership (University of Waterloo)
  • Prof Maggy Lee (with Dr Mark Johnson & Dr Michael McCahill) — Big Data, Live Methods and Surveillance Subjectivities among Transnational Migrants in Hong Kong (British Academy Small Research Grant)
  • Prof Maggy Lee (with Dr Mark Johnson & Dr Deidre McKay) — Translating Cultures/Care for the Future Innovation Awards on International Development (UK Arts and Humanities Research Council)
  • Prof Pun Ngai — Research and Advocacy of the Housing Policy for the Migrant Workers in China (Oxfam)
  • Prof Pun Ngai — Learning to labour: Social Media and Migrant Labour Protection in China (RGC Collaborative Research Fund)
  • Dr Denise Tang — Hongkongers’ Taiwan Dream: Exploring Life Experiences of Hong Kong Immigrants Living in Taiwan (Chiang Ching-Kao Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange)