HKU Sociology joins Global Criminal Justice Hub at Oxford

As part of the Department’s 50th anniversary, we are pleased to announce the launch of a collaborative exchange programme with the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford. Our MSocSci Criminology postgraduate students, staff and postdoctoral fellows will be able to work alongside international experts at Oxford through our participation in the Global Criminal Justice Hub.

University of Oxford. Photo by xiquinhosilva (CC BY 2.0)

University of Oxford. Photo by xiquinhosilva (CC BY 2.0)

Professor Mary Bosworth, Director of the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford commented:

“The Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford has just celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2016, and we are delighted that the Sociology Department at the University of Hong Kong is now part of our new Global Criminal Justice Hub. This hub which is designed to promote dialogue about criminal justice responses around the world also seeks to encourage mobility of scholars and students. We are very pleased that Hong Kong is joining us in this initiative, as we hope to learn much from our colleagues and students there particularly in the areas of research that’s happening in Hong Kong on migration, gangs and juvenile justice. Happy Birthday!”

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