Dr Sylvia Martin discusses Hong Kong women in film

Dr. Sylvia J. Martin will be moderating a panel on media, gender, and technology with Sophia Shek, Nora Lam, and Sonia Wong as part of the Hong Kong Film Focus series Hong Kong Women in Film at the Asia Society for the Hong Kong International Literary Festival on Friday, 13 November 2020 at 19:00-20:00.

The Hong Kong Film Focus series looks at writing and storytelling in the ever-popular medium of film, and tonight’s event examines the expanding role of women filmmakers. We welcome upcoming filmmakers Sophia Shek and Nora Lam, along with Sonia Wong, founder of Reel Women HK, an independent film festival devoted to the promotion of female-created films and art works. They consider issues of representation, diversity, and opportunity in the Hong Kong film industry, and how technology is changing how films are made, with Dr. Sylvia J. Martin, of the University of Hong Kong, author of Haunted: An Ethnography of the Hollywood and Hong Kong Media Industries.