Ms Shafei Gu

PhD Student

8.73, 8/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus


Gu Shafei is a full-time PhD student at HKU sociology. She received her bachelor’s degree in Public Management from Xi’an Jiaotong University and master’s degree in Public Management from Xi’an Jiaotong University.

She mainly uses empirical data and conducts quantitative research to explore the migration pattern and experience of ethnic minority migrants under various global contexts, with a special interest in Muslim migration. Her current research interests include migration, race and ethnicity, religion and culture, social stratification, identity.


MPhil. (Public Management)

Xi’an Jiaotong University

B.A. (Public Management)

Xi’an Jiaotong University

Research interests


Race and ethnicity


Comparative studies

Muslim-majority population and societies,

Social stratification

Selected publications

Recent publications:

Gu, Shafei, and Eric Fong. “Migration from Muslim-Majority Countries: A Tale of Two Patterns.” Population Research and Policy Review (2022): 1-20.

2019 “Patterns of International Migration in East Asia.” Translated by Korekawa Yu. pp. 75-79 in Population Issues and Immigration: How Does Japan’s Population and Hierarchy Change? Edited by Hiroshi Komai and Yu Korekawa, Akashi Shoten) (co-author: Eric Fong)

2017 “Rural Migrants’ Family Reunion in China” (in Chinnese). Urban Problems (CSSCI), (05): 92-103. (co-author: Bai Meng)

Under peer review:

2022 “Race, Religion, and Income in an East and Southeast Asian City: A study of income attainment of South Asian Muslim-Majority Group in Hong Kong” (co-author: Eric Fong)

Conference presentation:

2021 May: The Population Association of America Annual Conference 2021, virtual conference, paper “Income Inequality between South Asians and Local-born Chinese in Hong Kong” (co-author: Eric Fong) accepted in a poster session.

2020 April: The Population Association of America Annual Conference 2020, Washington D.C., paper “The Patterns of International Migration from Muslim-majority Countries” (co-author: Eric Fong) accepted for presentation in a regular session (but was not actually presented due to the COVID-19 outbreak).

2018 December: 2018 ICSA Asia Conference, Hong Kong, presented “The Status and Influencing Factors of Health literacy of Migrants in China.”

2018 December: The 20th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, presented “The Health outcomes of Health literacy of Migrants in China.”

2017 May: The Urban China Research Network Conference, Hong Kong, presented “City Size and Rural Migrant Workers’ Core Family Reunion in China.” (co-author: Meng Bai)

2017 November: The International Conference on “Polarisation, Fragmentation & Resilience: Four Urban Contexts Compared”, Hong Kong, presented “Migrants’ Family Reunion in China: from a Perspective of Migration Pattern.”

2016 July: China Demographic Convention, Xiamen, presented “Effect of ChildhoodLeft-behind Experience on Juvenile Migrants’ Social Integration.” (co-authors: Meng Bai, Xuejiao Wang)