Dr Iris Hoiting

Part-time Lecturer


Courses taught


PhD in Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
MSc in Sociology, University of Groningen
BA Social Work, Hanze University Groningen

Research interests

Gender, family, migrant domestic workers, inequality

Honours and recognitions

Outstanding Presentation Award, 20th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong, 2020

Lee Heiman Memorial Book Prize 2018-19

Canadian Population Society Best Student Paper Award, 2013

Selected publications

Fu, Y., Jordan, L. P., Hoiting, I., Kim, T., & Wickramage, K. (2023). ‘We have similar sad stories’: a life history analysis of left-behind children in Cambodian residential care. Children and Youth Services Review, 107234.

Hoiting, I. (2022). Triangulations of “Motherly Love”: Negotiated Intimacies among Migrant Domestic Workers, Mothers, and Children. Journal of Family Issues43(2), 324-349.