Mr Ka Wang Kelvin Lam

PhD Student

5.17, R.C. Lee Hall, 6A Sassoon Road, 5/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus


Kelvin is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Hong Kong, with both BSSc and MPhil degrees in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include migration and immigration, forced displacement, and urban sociology. Currently, Kelvin is conducting research on emigration from Hong Kong and the experiences of local asylum seekers and refugees.


MPhil, Sociology

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

BSSc, Sociology

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research interests

Migration and immigration

Forced displacement

Urban sociology


Current research

Emigration from Hong Kong

Asylum seekers and refugees in Hong Kong

Honours and recognitions

Best Thesis Award, Hong Kong Sociological Association (2021)

Outstanding Student Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2018, 2020)

Selected publications

Shui, Kenny, Ka Wang Kelvin Lam, Judy Chen, and Eric Fong. 2023. “Entry visa categories, current experiences and future expectations of highly educated migrants and their intention to stay.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal

Lam, Ka Wang Kelvin, Hua Zhong, and Gloria Yuxuan Gu. 2023. “Classic assimilation, self-selection and parent status: An analysis of the central–local political trust among highly educated Mainland migrants in Hong Kong.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal

Lam, Ka Wang Kelvin and Eric Fong. 2022. “Migration flows in the region of mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.” Asian Population Studies 18(2): 109-112


Under review

Lam, Ka Wang Kelvin. “Establishing support networks for refugee settlement: An examination of processes, roles, and determinants in an asylum seeker-led organisation in Hong Kong.”

Lam, Ka Wang Kelvin. “Changing tactics in negotiating refugee assistance policies and practices: A case study of an asylum seeker-led organisation in Hong Kong”

Lam, Ka Wang Kelvin and Eric Fong. “Time to leave: Comparing the intention to emigrate before the 1997 handover and after the 2019 social movement in Hong Kong.”