Ms Wanying Ling

PhD Student


Wanying Ling (凌宛莹) is a full-time PhD student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong.

Her primary research goals are to use quantitative approaches to assess health disparities across the life course at the population level, and to identify the social structural, psychological, behavioral, and physiological mechanisms by which social disadvantage leads to poor health. She is also interested in key concepts in life course studies such as trajectories, transitions, turning points, cultural and environmental influences.


2023       M.Phil. in Demography  Renmin University of China

2020       B.Sc. in Statistics (Minor in Sociology)      Minzu University of China

Research interests

Health inequalities
Social Determinants of Health
Work and Health
Aging and the Life Course

Current research

Her recent research topics include: healthy life expectancy; short- and long-term effects of non-standard work on health and well-being; social determinants of disability and dementia; multi-state modeling.

More details on recent research interests and projects are available on her personal website.