Dr Sinn Won Han

Assistant Professor

+852 3917 7437

9.21, 9/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus


Sinn Won Han is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. Before joining HKU, Sinn Won was a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy. Sinn Won received his doctoral degree from the Department of Sociology at Harvard University. Sinn Won is a demographer who studies patterns, causes, and consequences of the low fertility in developed societies. Under this overarching topic, his current research explores three themes: (1) Whether and how does the radius of trust matter for fertility intentions and behaviors? (2) Is the “left-right political fertility gap” indeed the case in advanced industrial democracies, as some politicians and commentators are putting it? (3) Do sustained low fertility and population aging retard economic growth? If so, does the decline in “economic dynamism” (e.g., declining technological innovations and entrepreneurship) mediates the two phenomena?

Courses taught


PhD, Sociology, Harvard University

AM, Sociology, Harvard University

BA, Sociology, Korea University

Research interests

Social demography

Political demography

Norms and trust

Labor markets and public policies

Quantitative methodologies

Cross-national comparative research

Current research

An Empirical Investigation of the Left-Right Political Fertility Gap

Postindustrial Configurations of Gender-Role Attitudes and Family Values

Reconceptualizing Individualism: Paradox of Cooperation and Inequality (with Minjae Kim)

Variation in Work Hours and Returns to Work Hours in Comparative Perspective (with Kelly Musick)

Honours and recognitions

2020  Reischauer Institute Research Grant (Harvard University)

2020  Derek Bok Center Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (Harvard University)

2018  Weatherhead Graduate Research Award (Harvard University)

2015-2017  Fulbright Graduate Study Scholarship

Selected publications

Han, Sinn Won, Ohjae Gowen, and Mary C. Brinton. “When Mothers Do It All: Gender-Role Norms, Women’s Employment, and Fertility Intentions in Postindustrial Societies.” Accepted at European Sociological Review.

Han, Sinn Won. Forthcoming. “When Kids Are a Burden: Understanding the Normative Sources of Negative Perceptions of Parenthood.” Population and Development Review. (https://doi.org/10.1111/padr.12573)

Han, Sinn Won. 2022. “Is It Only a Numbers Game? A Macro-Level Study of Educational Hypogamy.” Demography 59(4): 1571-1593. (https://doi.org/10.1215/00703370-10126742)

Han, Sinn Won, and Mary C. Brinton. 2022. “Theories of Postindustrial Fertility Decline: An Empirical Examination.” Population and Development Review 48(2): 303-330. (https://doi.org/10.1111/padr.12490)