Dr Wai Ling Wong

Part-time Lecturer



I obtained my PhD in Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. Over the past decade, I have participated in various community studies projects, such as Aberdeen fishermen, ethnic minority youth, industrial workers and industrialists in Hong Kong. I am also interested in studying place communities. Recently, I began to involve in island studies, Lamma Island in 2021 and Ma Wan in 2023, hoping that these studies will add inspiring findings and perspectives for understanding places in Hong Kong. My other areas of interest are gender, family and migration. On methodology, I am familiar with qualitative methods, mainly oral history and ethnographic observation.

Courses taught


PhD in Sociology
The University of Hong Kong

MPhil in Sociology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research interests

Community studies

Hong Kong studies




Current research

“A study of a coastal community in Hong Kong – Ma Wan.” Funded by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

Selected publications


王惠玲、陳芷琳。2021。〈南丫島民如是說……〉、〈索罟灣的日常〉、〈靠山吃山、靠水吃水〉。載《南丫說:Lamma Mia》。香港:康樂及文化事務署。(—, and Teresa Chan. 2021. “Oral Histories of Lamma Islanders…”, “The Everyday Life in Sok Kwu Wan,” and “Living Off Land and Sea.” In Art Promotion Office ed. Lamma Mia: Public Art Project. Hong Kong: Leisure and Cultural Services Department.)


Wong, Wai Ling. 2019. “Oral History and Storytelling: Reflection on an Alternative Approach of Teaching History,” Edited by Tracy Hayes, et. al., Storytelling: Global Reflections on Narrative, pp.44-52. Leiden: Brill Publishers.

Merina, Sunawa, and Wong Wai Ling. 2019. Youth in Transition: Growing Up Experiences of the Ethnic Minority Youth in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong.


Wong, Wai Ling. 2014. “Making Productive Home: Chinese Immigrant Women Doing Family, Immigrant and Woman.” In Gender and Family in East Asia, edited by Maria Tam and Wong Wai Ching, 119-40. London and New York: Routledge.


Sinn, Elizabeth and Wong Wai Ling. 2005. “Place, Identity and Immigrant Communities: The Organization of the Yulan Festival in Post-War Hong Kong.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 46:295-306.

Chan, Anita K.W. and Wong Wai-ling, eds. 2004. Gendering Hong Kong. Hong Kong Readers Series. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.