Dr Duoduo Xu

Assistant Professor

+852 3917 2062

9.05, 9/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus


Duoduo Xu (許多多) is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong (2019-present). She also holds joint appointments at the Department of Geography and the Faculty of Arts. Before joining HKU, she was a Research Assistant Professor of Social Science and a Junior Fellow of Institute for Advanced Study at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2017-2019).

In 2017, Xu received her PhD in Social Science from HKUST, where she was also trained at the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER). She completed her MPhil in Social Science at HKUST in 2013 and BA in Sociology at Shandong University in 2011.

Xu’s research interests center on social stratification and inequality, and lie at the intersection of urban sociology, sociology of education, and sociology of work. In particular, she is interested in understanding:

  • how social-spatial factors (e.g. migration, segregation, location) shape urban residents’ attitudes, behaviors, and life chances;
  • the impacts of various family, school and neighborhood factors on children’s educational and developmental outcomes;
  • young people’s experiences of school-to-work transition, precarious employment and labour market mismatch.

Xu’s studies are mainly concerned with child development and youth employment issues in Chinese cities (e.g. Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing), and she draws on various longitudinal survey datasets and a range of quantitative methods for causal inference. Currently, she is working on multiple research projects, including:

  • Skill Requirements of Job Ads during an Economic Recession in Hong Kong: A Machine Learning Approach to Studying Labour Market Mismatch
  • Educational Expansion, College Premium and Social Mobility: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Taiwan Youth (funded by RGC-ECS)
  • Socioeconomic Segregation, School Choice, and Geography of Educational Inequality in Hong Kong (funded by RGC-GRF)

Courses taught


Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Sociology, Shandong University

Research interests

Social Stratification and Mobility

Migration and Immigration

Urban Sociology

Sociology of Education

Child and Youth Development

Survey and Quantitative Methods

Current research


PI, “Educational Expansion, College Premium and Social Mobility: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Taiwan Youth”, RGC Early Career Scheme (27604821, HK$ 610,312, 2022-2024).

PI, “Socioeconomic Segregation, School Choice, and Geography of Educational Inequality in Hong Kong”, RGC General Research Fund (16600218, HK$599,440, 2019-2021).

PI, “Migration, Risk Preference, and Entrepreneurship in Urban China: A Mixed-methods Study”, HKU Startup Fund, (006029001, HK$506,497, 2019-2022).

PI, “A Broken Social Ladder in Hong Kong and its way out: The Panel Survey of the Youth’s Job and Income Mobility between 2011 and 2019”, Oxfam Hong Kong Project (20034-HKG-A1094-01-2020A-H21, HK$171,288.40, 2020)

PI, “The Over-educated Generation: College Expansion and Social Mobility in Hong Kong and Taiwan”, HKU Seed Fund for Basic Research, (104005605, HK$150,000, 2020-2021)

Co-PI, “Neighbourhood Factors and Social Integration of Diverse Hong Kong Families in the Time of COVID-19: An Extension of the Hong Kong Panel Study of Social Dynamics (HKPSSD) [HKPSSD-D]”, Collaborative Research Fund (PI: Dr. Lucy Jordan, HK$1,926,870, 2022-2023).

Selected publications

*: Xu is corresponding author

#: post-doc/graduate student coauthor

Xu, Duoduo* and Jiao Guo# (equal authorship). Forthcoming. “In Sight, In Mind: Spatial Proximity to Protest Sites and Changes in Peoples’ Political Attitudes.” British Journal of Sociology, Online First. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo*, Shuheng Jin#, Ngai Pun, Jiao Guo#, and Xiaogang Wu. Forthcoming. “The Scarring Effect of First Job Precarity: New Evidence from a Panel Study in Hong Kong.” Work, Employment and Society, Online First. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo* and Xiaogang Wu. 2022. “Separate and Unequal: Hukou, School Segregation, and Educational Inequality in Urban China.” Chinese Sociological Review, 54(5), 433-457.
Jin, Shuheng#, Tianzhu Nie#, Ngai Pun, and Duoduo Xu*. 2022. “Spatial Mismatch, Different Labor Markets and Precarious Employment: The Case of Hong Kong.” Social Indicators Research, 161(1): 51-73.  [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo* and Xiaogang Wu. 2021. “From Political Power to Personal Wealth: Privatization and Elite Opportunity in Post-Reform China.” Journal of Contemporary China, 30(132):993-1013.
Zhang, Zhuoni, Tianzhu Nie# and Duoduo Xu. 2019. “Family Background, Parenting Practices, and Child Outcomes: Chinese Immigrants’ Offspring in Hong Kong.” Chinese Journal of Sociology, 5(3), 263-282. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo*, Xiaogang Wu, Zhuoni Zhang and Jaap Dronkers. 2018. “Not A Zero-Sum Game: Migration and Child Well-being in Contemporary China.” Demographic Research, 38(26), 691-726. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo*. 2018. “From Poverty to Prosperity: College Education, Non-cognitive Abilities, and First-job Earnings.” Chinese Sociological Review, 50(1), 53-82.
Xu, Duoduo and Xiaogang Wu. 2017. “The Rise of the Second Generation: Aspirations, Motivations and Academic Success of Chinese Immigrants’ Children in Hong Kong.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(7), 1164-1189.
Xu, Duoduo* and Jaap Dronkers. 2016. “Migrant Children in Shanghai: A Research Note on the PISA-Shanghai Controversy.” Chinese Sociological Review, 48(3), 271-295.


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